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Natusch, D. & Lyons, J. (2021) 'Geographic frequency and ecological correlates of juvenile colour polymorphism in green pythons (Morelia azuria and Morelia viridis)', Australian Journal of Zoology, 68(2), pp 62-67.


Irby, J. (2020) 'Who's got the blues? The history of the blue and super blue chondros!', Herpetoculture Magazine, Issue 8, pp 3 - 9.

Wall, H. (2020) 'Selecting neonate green tree pythons as hold-backs', Herpetoculture Magazine, Issue 8, pp 17 - 24.

Morris, M. (2020) 'The Kofiau Island green tree python in the pet trade', Herpetoculture Magazine, Issue 8, pp 27 - 36.

Natusch, D. et al  (2020) 'Species delimitation and systematics of the green pythons (Morelia viridis complex) of Melanesia and Australia',  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 142, 106640.


Cermak,M. (2018) 'It's not easy being green' iHerp Australia, Issue 7, pp 37- 43.


Julander, J and Phillip, T. (2017) 'Green Tree Pythons - Natural History and Captive Maintenance', Justin Julander.

Cermak, M. (2017) 'On the trail of illegal immigrants: Native vs exotic green tree pythons' iHerp Australia, Issue 1, pp 16 - 22.


Cermak, M. (2015) 'Good behaviour! Behavioural enrichment in captive green tree pythons', Scales and Tails, Issue 41.


Cermak, M. (2014) 'The problem with green tree pythons', Scales and Tails, Issue 36.

Lyons, J and Natusch, D. (2013) ‘Effects of consumer preferences for rarity on the harvest of wild populations within species, Ecological Economics, vol. 93, pp. 278-283.

Walder, R. (2013) ‘Going Green- the undeniable appeal of the green tree python’, Reptiles, vol 21 (6), pp 34-43.

Natusch, D. and Lyons, J.  (2012) ‘Relationships between ontogenic changes in prey selection, head shape, sexual maturity and colour in an Australian python (Morelia viridis)’, Biological Journal of the Linnean Soc. London.

Cermak, M.  (2011) ‘Notes on sloughing in Green Tree Pythons Morelia viridis’, Reptiles Australasia, vol. 1, issue 2, pp

“Yellow to green in four days” – Cermak, M.
Scales & Tails, Issue 15

“Wildlife laundering through breeding farms: Illegal harvest, population declines and a means of regulating the trade of green pythons (Morelia viridis) from Indonesia” – Lyons, J and Natusch, D.
Biological Conservation, Elesvier Ltd.

“Distribution, abundance and demography of green pythons (Morelia viridis) in Cape York Peninsula, Australia” – Natusch, D
Aust. J. Of Zoology

“Breeding the Green Tree Python Morelia viridis” – Walder, R.
Reptiles Australasia, Vol 1 (1): 6-17

“Australian green pythons – gems of the Cape York rainforest” – Cermak, M
Scales & Tails, Issue 9

“Mother knows best” – Krauss, P.
Scales & Tails, Issue 8

“Green pythons and emerald tree boas – similar yet so different” – Cermak, M.
Scales & Tails, Issue 3

“Are green pythons difficult to keep?” – Cermak, M.
Reptiles Australia, Vol. 4, Issue 5

“Spectacular Snakes of Australia” – Cermak, M. 
CSIRO Publishing

“Keeping and Breeding Australian Pythons” – edited Swan, M.
“Green Python” – Hemens, A.
Mike Swan Herp Books Melbourne

“Geographic range, population structure and conservation status of the green python (Morelia viridis), a popular snake in the captive pet trade” – Wilson, D. and Heinsohn, R.
Aust. J. Of Zoology, 55, 147-154

“Foraging ecology and diet of an ambush predator: the Green Python (Morelia viridis)” – Wilson, D.
Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing pp 141-150

“Breeding green pythons” – Hemens, A.
Reptiles Australia, Vol 3, Issue 6

“Good green house effects” – Macnab, T.
Reptiles Australia, Vol 3, Issue 6

“Green Tree Python’s and the school of experience” – Stone, S.
Reptiles Australia, Vol 3, Issue 6

“Touching the green” – Swan, M.
Reptiles Australia, Vol 3, Issue 6

“The green python revealed” – Wilson, D.
Reptiles Australia, Vol 3, Issue 6

“Life-history traits and ontogenic colour change in the arboreal tropical python Morelia viridis” – Wilson, D., Heinsohn, R. and Wood, J.
J. Zool. (Lond), Print ISSN 0952-8369

“Age- and sex-related differences in the spatial ecology of a dichromatic tropical python (Morelia viridis) – Wilson, D., Heinsohn, R. and Legge, S.
Austral. Ecology 31, 577-587

“The adaptive significance of ontogenic colour change in a tropical python” – Wilson, D., Heinsohn, R. and Andler, J.
Biol. Lett. Doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0574. Published online

“The captive husbandry & breeding of the green tree python Morelia viridis” – Hemens, A.
Reptiles Australia, Vol 2, Issue 6

“The green tree python and emerald tree boa – care, breeding and natural history” – Kivit, R and Wiseman, S.
Kirschner & Seufer Verlag, Germany

“The more complete chondro” – Maxwell, G.
Revised edition. ECO Publishing, USA

“Green Tree Pythons in Captivity” – Bull, K.
Monitor, Vol 14 (2): 21-23

”Diseases of green tree pythons [Morelia (Chondropython) viridis] caused by mal-management” – Gal, J., Mandoki, M., Sos, E. and Marosan, M.
Magynar Allatorvosok Lapia 126, 561-566

“The Amazing Green Tree Python” – Maxwell, G.
Reptiles 2004 Annual, Vol 9: 64-73

“The complete chondro” – Maxwell, G.
ECO Publishing, USA

“Phylogeographic analysis of the green python, Morelia viridis, reveals cryptic diversity” – Rawlings, L. and Donnellan, S.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 27, 36-44

“First identification of a ranavirus in green pythons (Chondropython viridis)” – Hyatt, A. Williamson, M.; Coupar, B. Et al
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Vol 38, Issue 2: 239-252

“Ontogenic Color Change in Green Tree Pythons” – Grace, M. and Grace, T.
Reptiles, Vol 9 (9): 48-54

“Caring for Green Tree Pythons Chondropython (=Morelia) viridis” – Murdoch, W.
Monitor, Vol 10 (2/3): 4-10

“Feeding Techniques for arboreal Boids” – Grace, M. S.
The Vivarium, 10 (5): 25-29

“The Guide of Owning Tree Boas and Tree Pythons” – Mazorlig, T.
t. f. h. Publications, Inc. Neptune City

“Recognition of Twin Neonates in a Green Python Morelia viridis Clutch” – Mackness, B., Yuwono, F. B. and Walsh, T.
Herpetofauna, 28 (1): 25-29

“Life with Green Tree Pythons” parts 1&2 – Walsh, T.
Reptile & Amphibian Magazine, June 97, (#48): 14-24

“A Guide to the Snakes of Papua New Guinea” – O’Shea, M.
Independant Publishing

“The Emerald Serpents of New Guinea” parts 1&2 – Switak, K. H.
Reptiles, Vol 2 (6): 76-99 and Vol 3 (1): 64-75

“Some experiences with the Green Tree Python Chondropython (Morelia) viridis” – Schofield, F.
Reptilian, High Wycombe, 3 (7): 30-33

“Perch color preference in juvenile green pythons (Chondropython viridis)” – Garrett, C. and Smith, B.
Zoo Biology, Vol 13, Issue 1 pages 45-50

“Green Tree Pythons” – Bartlett, R.
Reptiles, Vol 2 (2): 66-69

“Pythons of the World, Volume 1, Australia” – Barker, D. and Barker, T.
The Herpetoculture Library

“Husbandry of Long-Term Captive Populations of Boid Snakes (Epicrates, Corallus & Chondropython)” – Walsh, T.
Contributions to Herpetology, Vol 11: 359-362

“Chondropython Owners Manual” – Walder, R.

“An occurrence of cannibalism in juvenile green pythons Chondropython viridis with further notes on their captive husbandry” – Jago, G.
Herpetofauna, 24 (2): 49-50

“Captive Care and Husbandry of the green tree python, Chondropython viridis” – Kend, B.
Tropical Fish Hobbyist, Vol 42 (6): 110-114 

“Captive Breeding of the Green Tree Python (Chondropython viridis)” – Rundquist, E. M.
Captive Breeding, 1 (4): 8-11. 20-21

“The Green Tree Python (Chondropython viridis)” – Blake, H.
The Vivarium 3 (5): 19-22

“Experiences of Keeping and Breeding The Green Tree Python” – Kivit, R.
Reptilian, 1 (6): 17-21

“Chondropython viridis green tree python combat fatality” – Perry-Richardson, J.
Herpetological Review, Vol 22, Issue 3 pages 100

“Reproduction of Green Pythons at Taronga Zoo” – Millgate, M.
Thylacinus, Vol 16 (2): 5-6

“Green Tree Pythons” – Zulich, A.
Reptile & Amphibian Magazine, Sept/Oct 1990: 2-6

“Successful Breeding of the Green Tree Python” – Vergner, I.
ZIVA, 37 (5): 230-232

“Chondropython viridis – Green Tree Python” – Hartmann, P. and Steiner, B.
Litt. Serp. Utrecht, 7 (2): 91

“The Green Tree Python Chondropython viridis Breeding and Reproduction in the Terrarium” – Vergner, I.
Akvarium Terrarium, 30 (2): 29-32 and 30 (3): 29-32

“Juvenile color in Chondropython viridis” – Zulich, A. W.
Notes from NOAH, Vol 14 (9): 16-17

“Captive Breeding, Husbandry and Neonatal Care of the Green Tree Python (Chondropython viridis), with emphasis on the Maternal Incubation of the eggs” – Zulich, A
Zoological Consortium, Inc. 8th Annual Reptile Symposium on Captive Propagation and Husbandry: 114-118

“Breeding results. Chondropython viridis” – Getreuer, W.
Litt. Serp. Utrecht, 3 (5): 167

“Notes on the Maternal Incubation of Chondropython viridis eggs” – Zulich, A. W.
J. North Ohio Herpetol. Soc. Vol 9 (1): 13-21

“Reproduction of Chondropython viridis” – Mierop, L. H. S. van., Walsh, T and Marcellini, D. L.
Zoological Consortium, Inc. 6th Annual Reptile Symposium on Captive Propagation and Husbandry: 265-274

“Notes on Incubating Chondropython eggs” – Hollander, P. J.
Zoological Consortium, Inc. 6th Annual Reptile Symposium on Captive Propagation and Husbandry: 275-284

“Mortality in captive Green Tree Pythons” – Brannian, R. E., Graham, D. L. and Barnes, D. M.
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings: 63-65

“Further Notes on the Husbandry, Breeding and Behavior of Chondropython viridis” – Walsh, T.
Zoological Consortium Inc., 3rd Annual Reptile Symposium on Captive Propagation and Husbandry: 102-111

“The Green Tree Python, Chondropython viridis and its Reproduction in Captivity” – Olexa, A.
Gazella, 2 (2): 83-87

“Caudal luring in the Green Tree Python, Chondropython viridis” – Murphy, J. B., Carpenter, C. C. and Gillingham, J. C.
J. Herp, 12 (1): 117-119

“Husbandry and Breeding of Chondropython viridis” – Walsh, T.
National Association for Sound Wildlife Programs, Vol 1 (2): 10-17

“A Captive Breeding of the Green Tree Python Chondropython viridis” – Gray, P.
Proc. 2nd Annual Rep Symposium: 34-38

“Pseudophyllidean tapeworms in green tree pythons (Chondropython viridis)” – Toft, J. and Schmidt, R.
J. Zoo Anim. Med., 6 (2): 25-26

“A Review of Green Tree (Chondropython viridis) Python propogation and husbandry” – Bumgardner, M. 

Resources: Text
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